速報APP / 生產應用 / WearMail for Android Wear

WearMail for Android Wear





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:1009, 8 Walworth Road, SE1 6EE, London, UK

WearMail for Android Wear(圖1)-速報App

Displays email notifications on an Android Wear smartwatch or accessory.

The email notifications contain smart commands such as 'quick reply', delete email' and 'archive' that are designed to facilitate ultra-quick processing of email on Android Wear smartwatches and accessories.

WearMail works with nearly all email accounts by supporting the following protocols: IMAP, IMAP-IDLE (Push Mail), POP3 & Exchange via EWS or IMAP.

WearMail is a standalone app that works in conjunction with *any* email app. [There are no dependencies on K9, Gmail APIs or anything else.]


WearMail for Android Wear(圖2)-速報App

 • Display sender, subject and email body

 • Choose the number of watch commands and the order of the commands

 • Choose a command to run when the notification is dismissed [Typically: 'Mark as Read' or 'Archive']

 • Ability to open the email directly on the phone [Use 'Simple Viewer' as your email app]

 • Reply to emails via voice or preset responses

WearMail for Android Wear(圖3)-速報App

 • Select or create your own vibration pattern

 • Option to display email notifications on the watch only

 • Customise notification background

Watch App Features: [New 2.25]

 • Disable or enable notifications

WearMail for Android Wear(圖4)-速報App

 • Snooze notifications

 • Force an immediate check for mail

 • Redeliver recent notifications


 • Open: Opens the email app inbox on the phone from the Android Wear watch

WearMail for Android Wear(圖5)-速報App

 • Delete Message: Deletes the email message from the mail server

 • Mark as Read: Marks the message as read on the mail server

 • Mark as High Priority: Marks the message as high priority on the mail server

 • Archive: Moves the message to the designated folder on the mail server

 • Quick Reply: Issue a reply from the Android Wear watch

WearMail for Android Wear(圖6)-速報App

Good to know:

 • Watches Supported: LG G Watch, LG G Watch R, Samsung Gear Live, Asus Zen Watch, Huawei Watch, Moto 360, LG Watch Urbane, Sony Smartwatch 3, and more

 • App tested on Samsung Gear Live

No Notifications [Or commands]

 • GooglePlay services version on the watch and phone must match

WearMail for Android Wear(圖7)-速報App

 • If the versions do not match, do a "resync apps" in the Android Wear app

 • Wait about 5 minutes and check the version numbers again

Wear 2.0:

 • Join the beta test group to receive the 2.0 version of the watch app: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.maxlabmobile.wearmail.androidwear


WearMail for Android Wear(圖8)-速報App

WearMail should facilitate ultra quick processing of mail. If there is anything in the day-to-day use of this app that you feel should be streamlined or improved please contact me at the support address: support@maxlabmobile.com